Medical Microbiology department  was established in 2009-2010. The Department offers a four years program that awards the students a bachelor degree in Medical Microbiology (B.Sc. Medical Microbiology). Our community dedicated to research, teaching, and provide best environment for the students to learn and explore an exciting, and diverse fields starting from cells that are the basic unit of life to different living things having the ability to acquire and transform energy. The goals of the biology department are attained through a variety of different measures, including lectures, debates, laboratory experiments, field studies,

Infectious diseases cause a great burden to the world, with millions of illnesses and deaths still attributable to diarrheal diseases, tuberculosis, HIV, malaria and most recently the COVID-19 pandemic that has been responsible for the death of many people around the world. With global, environmental and behavioral changes, and the innate ability of microorganisms to evolve rapidly, newly emerging infections always represent a major problem. The vision of the Department of Medical Microbiology is to be globally recognized for the achievements of in health care, education, leadership,