
We have created a research and discovery environment and provide resources for all communities by collecting, organising, preserving and making more easily available diverse learning and knowledge resources.

To that end we aim to – 

  • Be a national and international leader in providing library services for AIU students, faculty, staff and residents of Hewler
  • Form an integral part of the University’s teaching, research and services locally, nationally and globally
  • Recognise and support diversity and multiculturalism in the campuses and beyond
  • Collaborate and partner with local, national and international libraries and organisations
  • Be a creative leader in providing access to information resources and retrieval of information
  • Actively lead in the development of library and library services to a diverse community
  • Be a vigorous advocate of academic and intellectual freedom

Library was established in September 2009. Its mandate to implement and maintain international standards and quality services to all users and to robustly support the delivery of academic courses through its services and products. Today it is managed by a professionally trained qualified Librarian and a team of assistants. It is normally open twelve hours a day during semester time (generally eight hours a day outside semester time) to enable all students, faculty, staff and visitors every opportunity to have the greatest access to the Library’s resources. While being rigorous in upholding the international laws for copyright, intellectual property and freedom of information, the Library has succeeded in building a solid academic collection with electronic access to millions of articles, research papers and leading journals.